by Edgar, David & Dickens, Charles

  • DPS Grape

Genre: Light Drama

Length Full

Set Flexible

Licence UK & Ireland only

ISBN 9780822208181

One of the great events of modern theatre, the Royal Shakespeare Company production of Nicholas Nickelby enjoyed phenomenal success, both in London and New York. Despite its length and large cast, the play requires relatively simple staging, enabling it to move smoothly through its many scenes and related story lines. The sum total is a brilliant recapturing of the sights and sounds of Victorian England and the touching, funny and exhilarating saga of the virtuous young Nicholas as he meets and masters challenges of poverty and corruption. In the end, the play is a soaring affirmation of man’s essential goodness, a thrilling, eloquent rendering of the diverse people, places and events which, in Dickens’ time or in ours, make up the real stuff of life and draw on the deepest resources of the human spirit. One of the great theatrical experiences of our time.

Published in two parts.

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