JACK AND THE BEANSTALK (Wakefield & Edgar)

by Edgar, Kate & Wakefield, Colin

  • Jack and the Beanstalk W-E

Genre: Pantomime

Cast 5 male 6 female

Length Full

Set Simple

Licence World in English

ISBN 9780856762376

Jack and the Beanstalk combines all the classic elements of this popular panto: dotty Dame Trot, and her son Jack, who sells their precious cow Clarabelle for a bag of beans; the magical transformation of a massive beanstalk growing up to Giant Blunderbore’s grim castle in the clouds; and a particularly hissable villain in Fleshcreep, the Giant’s loathsome henchman. Add to these potent ingredients lashings of romance, adventure and knockabout comedy - and, as always, masses of audience participation - and you have the perfect hoiday treat for all the family.

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