
Weber’s final opera, and one of his most impressive works, Oberon premiered in Covent Garden, London in April 1826. Described as “one of the most remarkable combinations of fantasy and technical skill in modern music”, the opera is particularly famous for its Overture. SYNOPSIS: Oberon argues with his wife Titania over who is less faithful, men or women. Oberon decides to test a pair of lovers, and his servant – Puck - finds a potential couple. Sir Huon of Bordeaux, a knight exiled from Charlemagne’s court, is charged to travel to Baghdad and marry the caliph’s daughter, Reiza. Oberon sends Huon a magic horn to help him find her. Huon’s servant, Sherasmin, is given a magic goblet. Reiza and her serving lady, Fatima, wait to be rescued from the caliph, who plans to marry Reiza to Prince Babekan. Huon arrives at the banquet hall and kills Babekan. He then abducts Reiza, and puts the caliph and his men to sleep with his magic horn. They flee the palace and set sail for France, but Puck raises a storm and shipwrecks them. They lose the horn and goblet and are captured by pirates. Reiza, Fatima and Sherasmin are sold as slaves to the Emir of Tunis. Neither the Emir nor his servant Abdallah realise the value of the magic horn that they have recovered from the sea. Abdallah gives it to Sherasmin, who uses the magic horn to save Huon and Reiza. Oberon appears to save the lovers and transports them to France, where they are welcomed into Charlemagne’s court.

2 (1,2 dbl picc).2.2.2. / 43.3.0. / timp / perc / gtr / str Stage Band: Fl / Ob / Clt / Bsn / Perc

F/S O/S Lib
