by Norman, Marsha
Genre: Drama
Cast 2 female
Length Full
Set Interior
Licence UK & Ireland only
ISBN 9780822208211
Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, this play by the author of ‘Getting Out’ explores the final hour in the life of Jessie, a young woman who, quite simply, has decided that life is no longer worth living. In the living room/kitchen of a small house which she shares with her mother, Jessie sets about tidying the house and making lists of things to be looked after while her mother’s sense of desperate helplessness begins to build. In the end, she can only stand by, stunned and unbelieving, as Jessie ends her profound unhappiness in one fatal, stunning and deeply disturbing moment. “... honest, uncompromising, lucid, penetrating, well-written, dramatic and unmanipulatively moving.” [New York Magazine]