by Ziegler, Anna
Genre: Drama
Cast 4 male 2 female
Length Full
Set Flexible
Licence Europe
ISBN 9780822238232
Now available to license from Josef Weinberger Plays!
A present-day version of a classic Greek myth, THE MINOTAUR is a contemporary take on love, honor, and human connection. With refreshing originality and wit, it explores how we break out of history in order to shape new stories for ourselves.
“…the show comes at you with an intelligent mix of classicism and whimsy…” —The Washington Post. “…terrific, complex…[THE MINOTAUR] is extraordinarily ambitious…the heady concepts of desire, self-control, and fate make it an absorbing and inventive work.” —The Washingtonian. “…humanity and thoughtfulness shine through the darkness. THE MINOTAUR hooks you.” —Dallas Voice. “…a play that pushes through and breaks the boundaries of the kind of storytelling we’d come to expect.” —The Dallas Morning News. “…90 minutes [of] ripe moments of raw emotion, well-timed zingers, topical modern references, and a world of deeply insightful relatable elements…make this one of the most unique retellings in modern theatre…this riveting new work is simply impressive beyond compare.” —DCMetroTheaterArts.com. “…quirky, thoughtful, and entertaining…THE MINOTAUR achieves the rare trifecta of being touching, intelligent, and enjoyable.” —DCTheatreScene.com.