by Ruskin, Adina L
Genre: Drama
Cast 3 female
Length Short
Set Open Stage
Licence UK & Ireland only
ISBN 9780822216070
Three actresses embody different facets of a young woman who returns home to bury her father. While there, she cleans out her closet, and as she rediscovers objects, memories come tumbling out. Touching on stories as diverse as a feisty Polish-Jewish émigré taking America by storm, an Argentine who stands against his country’s repression, and a woman who witnesses the fall of the Berlin Wall, THE ART OF REMEMBERING reminds us of the beauty of life and the importance of our past.
“Three women, each with a suitcase, unpack the memorabilia of their life experience, letting loose memories of people and places and events in evocative fragments reaching back over the century. In Adina L. Ruskin’s cinematic-style collage play, cleverly composed…the memories are momentarily held before us, then dissolve as others take their place. The careful blend of poignancy and lively humour add to its special appeal.” —The Stage